It is well known that the individuals that make up a society are collective beings, which in fact constantly need reciprocal interaction with other individuals. Technology today makes it possible to create and maintain contacts with society, precisely enhancing communication. Many avant-garde cities, such as London in the United Kingdom for example, have integrated technology itself into society, using it to improve the organization of the social fabric. Many functions are thus simplified and the user of the site or mobile application is able to use a generic service with more agility and with much fewer constraints. Waiting times, queues and bottlenecks that generate delays are reduced. All of this then has repercussions on the general well-being of individuals who tend to stress less. Because in the end that’s the function of technology: greater simplicity in the execution of any action.
However, if the pure action, the one devoid of technology, fails altogether, leaving room only and exclusively for the technologically simplified one, problems may arise. As a child first learns to walk than run, and crawls even earlier, in the same way if the natural action and we mean more complicated due to the absence of technology fails, is non-existent, then there is no root or basis with which to compare the technologically simplified action. The repercussions that arise if the basic action is completely replaced with the simplified one can lead to problems of a psycho-somatic nature. It’s kind of what can happen to a kid who is more easily able to message via social media than to confront each other directly face to face.